Introduction to Gears
Primary Market
Education, Primary Ed
Character Focus
Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Fine Motor Skills, Spatial Skills, Cognitive Skills

This activity was taken from the Noggin BuilderZ advanced activity book


1.   Learn what is a gear

2.   Learn how to name the gears by its number of teeth

3.   Learn how to name a gear (Driver, Driven, Idler Gear) by its position in a gear train

4.   Learn how to increase, reduce speed, change direction with gears

5.   Learn how to build a gear train and explore with the gear train

6.   Play around with different combinations of gears and explore the applications to real life


To make the gear stand:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.   Insert the blue rod through the wheel

2.   Secure the wheel with 2 discs, 1 at the front and 1 at the back of wheel

3.   Insert the green gear to the blue rod



What Is A Gear

GEAR is use to transfer the power from the :

DRIVING GEAR  (EFFORT)- it can be electric motor, a manual crank, a wind turbine etc  to

DRIVEN GEAR (LOAD)- it can be wheel, fan etc

What Are Gears Used For

Gears can be used to:

1.   Change speed.

2.   Change torque

3.   Change direction of motion

4.   Transmit torque over a distance.

How Many Teeth Are On Each Gear

green gear

yellow gear

blue gear

red gear

Gear Ratio

Gear Ratio is the DRIVER/DRIVEN

  • Compare the distance covered by the DRIVER gear and the distance covered by the DRIVEN gear     or
  • When DRIVER gear makes 1 turn, How many turns the DRIVEN gear make?

Draw a line on the GEAR,  ask the children to notice/take down the number of turns.

  • How many turns does a GREEN wheel need to make the RED wheel turn once?
  • How many turns does a YELLOW wheel need to make the RED wheel turn once?
  • How many turns does a BLUE wheel need to make the RED wheel turn once?


  • colors of rods and other pieces may vary
  • kit contains small pieces and may be a choking hazard, intended for ages 6+


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