Inclined Planes
Character Focus
Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Fine Motor Skills, Spatial Skills, Cognitive Skills

This activity was taken from the Noggin BuilderZ advanced activity book


  • An inclined plane is a flat surface that is  sloped
  • It takes less effort to move or lift something higher.
  • The amount of work is the same:
    more force x shorter distance = less force x longer distance
  • It will be harder to push a rock up a steep slope, so using a less steep slope with longer distance will make it easier to push.
  • Climbing up a steep hill needs more effort.  Walking up a gentle slope need less effort but longer distance to reach the same height.
  • Reduced force produced by direct falling.




inclined plane2 

Steep Slope



Moderate Slope



Gentle Slope





  • colors of rods and other pieces may vary
  • kit contains small pieces and may be a choking hazard, intended for ages 6+


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