Primary Market
Education, Primary Ed
Character Focus
Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Fine Motor Skills, Spatial Skills, Cognitive Skills

This activity was taken from the Noggin BuilderZ advanced activity book


  • A lever is basically a long stick that you push or pull against a pivot (fulcrum) to move something.
  • A lever lets you move something heavy (lift load with less effort) or make something go fast
  • We use levers in so many of our daily life activities.
  • There are 3 types of levers:

           1st   Class lever      Seesaw or scissors

           2nd Class Lever     Wheel barrow

           3rd  Class Lever     Staple remover / tweezers



0 1 2 3 4

Weight Scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


  • Compare the weight of two items
  • Is the weight of different types of gears the same?
  • What is the weight of a spool? How many discs equal to the weight of a spool?
  • Try to weigh and compare the weight of various objects.
  • Build another type of weighing machine.

Wheel Barrow

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9.5 10 11 Untitled wheel barrow


1 2 3


  • colors of rods and other pieces may vary
  • kit contains small pieces and may be a choking hazard, intended for ages 6+


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