This activity was taken from the Noggin BuilderZ beginner activity book
Noggin BuilderZ table bowling game is a fun way to get kids as young as toddlers and all the way through primary school to learn how to build simple toys.
for 3 pins and a rolling bowling ball you’ll need
1. Show them the picture of bowling , and how people play bowling.
2. Tell them that we are going to make some bowling pin.
3. Take a holder/pin, push it into 1 of the side hole of spool, that’s it, it is a bowling pin!!
4. Let make together more bowling pins.
5. Now we have bowling pins and we need a ball. Can we make a NogginBuilderZ ball? (Let the children discuss and try out their ideas)
6. We can join 2 wheels or 2 spools to be make a bigger ball.